Let’s beat the heat, and not just cheating it!

Last few weeks, this has been my routine. I reach home after work, put my purse aside, crank up the aircon, change into comfortable pajamas, scan my fridge for some cold drink and lay on my sofa. No sooner, that I catch a breath, my eyes feel heavy and in no time, I am caught snoring. It reminded me of Tyson (my pet dog) and all his friends, who would lay around the whole day in our home verandah during summers. This would help them save energy and avoid heat exhaustion.
Yes, it’s summertime. The mercury has gone soaring world over. Many countries welcome it like a long-lost friend, with heartful of enthusiasm and arms wide open. But for us, in the UAE, summer is like that obnoxious workmate you love to hate but would have to deal with all year round. Isn’t it?
Though summer does take me back to childhood nostalgia of lots of play time, siesta naps and limited evening TV viewing. Television those days would also share weather appropriate advertisements- like we could see a surge of ads of talcum powder, mango flavored drinks and some hydration energizing drinks too. One advert that I can recap frame by frame is an actual depiction of Indian summers- Kids playing outdoors and scorching sun sucks out the energy of this lad via a straw in his head and as soon as the child gulps down the energy drink, he is again set to play with his friends. This advert sold the energy drink like hot cakes on a winter morning, only to realize that it was just a SUMMER CHEAT TRICK. Hence, I decided to BEAT the HEAT instead of just temporarily CHEATing it.
Summer preparation should ideally start much ahead of the heat getting into our head. But better late than never.
Overheating may be due to various reasons, so dealing with root cause is very essential. Few triggers can be dressing in tight heavy clothing, working outdoors under harsh daylight, forgetting to hydrate or the lady is menopausal and someone’s thyroid is storming.
Whatever may be the case, we want to call “peace out”
So here are some ways to cope:
Few of my favorite food that I like to include in your diet:
- Cucumbers: simply sprinkle some rock salt and paprika powder to make an easy mid-day snack.
- Celery: its contains 95% water and essential nutrients like zinc, potassium, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus. You may munch on it as much, as it is low on calories.
- Yoghurt: I like to have it with some berries and dash of honey, or at times with I add a glass of cold water, salts, cumin powder to make a lip-smacking cooler. Rich with Vitamin B and gut-friendly bacteria, yoghurt soothes the body from within
- Mint leaves: Mint is a cooling herb. It’s combination either with lime, fruit punch or with tea is great. Mint helps in digestion without raising body heat. It also relieves nausea and headaches and eases depression and fatigue. o Watermelon: it is filled 90% with goodness of water and essential minerals to keep us hydrated. It contains lycopene which helps regulate blood pressure naturally. Just slice it, sprinkle little salt and chaat masala, and you have a great snack for post workout cravings.
- Coconut water: nature’s purest form of water, rich in potassium, keeps you hydrated and energetic. o Green leafy vegetables: high amount of water content, esp when cooked lightly, is easy on digestion during summers. o Aloe vera: It has anti-inflammatory properties that help control the body temperature during summers so a dose of 2 spoons fresh gel is a good idea.
- Remain well hydrated!
- Wear natural fibers and loose clothing.
- Heat regulating supplements like black cohosh and primrose oils, can be beneficial too.
- Get tested to know if there are any underlying medical conditions and get them treated with help of a physician.
About the blogger:
Dr. Tabassum Inamdar is a dynamic Homeopath, a passionate artist, and an adventurer in life. From Medical corporate to Academics, she has balanced her left brain and right brain with equal passion for Art. She has contributed a series of blogs “An apple a day- your journey to healthy way” in collaboration with @Fitaminat . She also wrote blog series “No pause at Menopause”. A sketch artist since childhood, she is enchanted by theatre and writing. She is a regular theatre performer in Dubai. She continues life’s adventure by finding and travelling unbeaten paths. You may stalk her @doctabu (IG) or say hello @tabu.inamdar (FB)